Anyway I was fortunately enough to get them on my face. Luckily I kept those bad boys contained and the spread was very minimal. I didn't always want to wear bag over my head at least. Anyway that cleared up fairly quickly and I was back on track with running and working on my fitness. You see I want to run a FULL 26.2 miles MARATHON!!! Woot Wooot. Just thinking about it makes me feel pretty bad A! Well a couple weeks after the shingles fiasco I started to feel really terrible. Like fatigue, grumpy, stiff and swollen joints, tired all the time, and I kinda wanted to punch everyone in the face! I can be grumpy/hangry but this was extreme and lasting too long so to the doc I went! Sure enough my Thyroid is way out of wack! Like normal is .3-4 and in February I was at an 8. That is high but manageable. Well last week it was a 44. That was the "ahhh crap" moment!
Ahhhh crap- thats why life sucks so much, ahh crap-there goes my training schedule, ahh crap- I can barely run a mile, ahh crap- I want ice cream. Yepp...

(Just imagine this picture in running form vs dancing... I may or may not have busted out a few dance moved during my run though.)
Anyway when the run was done I sat down to drink my post run chocolate milk- good for the bones and belly- am I right!?!?! My ankles instantly started to swell. I cant count how many time I woke up that night in pain and I usually sleep one hair shy from death! I think my full marathon goal needs to be adjusted just a wee bit. Girl cant run 26 miles if 1 mile make her feel like her feet are about to explode. There was another "ah crap" moment. But I am learning to adjust, re-plan, and move on.
What have you had to adjust, re-plan, and move on from recently?