Sunday, June 26, 2016

An "ahhh crap" moment... far from an "Ahh ha" moment.

Recently I have been going through some health challenges. Nothing serious...really, more so annoying. So about a month ago I found out I had Shingles.  What are shingles some of you my be wondering... Its Chicken Pox on CRACK!! Apparently they follow nerve lines. Typically people get them on their back and sides or on their face/head. They have some commercials about the shingles virus... I totally watch those now... haha

Anyway I was fortunately enough to get them on my face. Luckily I kept those bad boys contained and the spread was very minimal. I didn't always want to wear  bag over my head at least. Anyway that cleared up fairly quickly and I was back on track with running and working on my fitness. You see I want to run a FULL 26.2 miles MARATHON!!! Woot Wooot. Just thinking about it makes me feel pretty bad A! Well a couple weeks after the shingles fiasco I started to feel really terrible. Like fatigue, grumpy, stiff and swollen joints, tired all the time, and I kinda wanted to punch everyone in the face! I can be grumpy/hangry but this was extreme and lasting too long so to the doc I went! Sure enough my Thyroid is way out of wack! Like normal is .3-4 and in February I was at an 8. That is high but manageable. Well last week it was a 44. That was the "ahhh crap" moment!

Ahhhh crap- thats why life sucks so much, ahh crap-there goes my training schedule, ahh crap- I can barely run a mile, ahh crap- I want ice cream. Yepp...

Alas there is an "ahh ha" moment. Sometimes life sucks and you drop your protein shake, or you get shingles in my case, but you re-adjust and make a new plan! Well the other night I decided I didn't feel like crap 100% so I went for a run. I felt so light and really felt like I was so dang graceful. Uhh yeah...

(Just imagine this picture in running form vs dancing... I may or may not have busted out a few dance moved during my run though.)

Anyway when the run was done I sat down to drink my post run chocolate milk- good for the bones and belly- am I right!?!?! My ankles instantly started to swell. I cant count how many time I woke up that night in pain and I usually sleep one hair shy from death! I think my full marathon goal needs to be adjusted just a wee bit. Girl cant run 26 miles if 1 mile make her feel like her feet are about to explode. There was another "ah crap" moment. But I am learning to adjust, re-plan, and move on.

What have you had to adjust, re-plan, and move on from recently?

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