Ahhh, raging hormones,crying spells, the uncontrollable urge to stuff your face. Speaking of face, how about the lovely change in your complexion. all of this is either a pre/current/post spectacle to that lovely monthly gift we as women receive each and every month.
Personally I am slightly new to this whole PMS thing, like within the last 4 years. No I am not 12 years old either...
The first time I got cramps( forgot this lovely symptom above) I was a senior in high school. I came home from school at about 10am. I thought I was going to die!! No joke. The nurse let me go home on my own since I was 18. I get home and plop myself of the couch in tears. My dad comes walking is and was seriously concerned. I was not the type to skip school. I'm blubbering and he is trying to translate. After he figured out what my symptoms were he got up and started giggling as he walked out the door. My mom soon came into the living room to figure out what I was saying. Very concerned asking me all kinds of questions. blah blah blah. My dad gets home and tosses a box of Midol at my mom. They both bust into laughter as I lay there on the brink of death. Then my mom looks at me and says "Are you on your period?" "uhh,yeah." More laughter ensues. What is wrong with these people??? Mom then proceeds to explain to me the hidden gifts of "that" time of the month. My mom ended up using the rest of that bottle of Midol since I did not have any cramps or "issues" after that day, until... Babies came
Pregnancy kills the body I tell you what. Nothing really works that same after each and every kid. Right now I am 5 months post c-section. having your gut cut open is a whole other can of worms on top of the raging hormones. Anyway literally this morning I had an epiphany of sorts. I experience PMS right after I stop nursing my boys(happened with my first as well). My lovely symptoms fall in line with having the complexion of a 14 year old and stuffing my face with all things chocolate and salty. Very bad combo mind you. Only took forever and a day to figure it out!
Being the curious person that I am I Google'd PMS. yes, yes I did. Google has yet to let me down. Anyway The Mayo Clinic goes into the details. I want to hit on easing the symptoms.
-boost that serotonin: those are your happy juices. Exercise is literally the best way to do this.
-eat healthier: PMS have been linked to low levels of vitamins and minerals- hmmm
Don't let Mother Nature's gift get you down every month.
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