WHY ME??!?!?!?
How come I can’t lose the weight.
Damn pregnancies
Damn hormones
I have done it before
Why is it so hard now??

It got me to thinking though- Why is it easier for men vs women when it comes to weight loss/fat loss. Everything I read keeps pointing me to MUSCLE. I knew I like getting buff for a reason.
So now the breakdown and slight technical for muscle. Easy for me to gain…why… testosterone. In comparison the women- men can gain muscle a lot easier and in more bulk because of the big T. That does not me we cant gain it- we just cannot gain it as much or as quickly unless your going to “supplement.”
Anyway with all that said muscle is a huge contributing factor to weight loss- I can personally attest to it-that’s how I lost over 40lbs after baby #1-I focused on building muscle and the weight loss was an amazing side effect to it!!